GRCF Hall Of Fame
Hello, for those of you that dont know me my name is Taylor. I never had a problem with weight, in high school I ran track and cross country, but when I moved to Denton TX for college booze took over fitness. I joined a local box in Denton TX in 2017. At that point I found a love of CrossFit and Olympic Lifting. Fast forward to October 2019, I moved home to Glen Rose, got attached to mommas cooking and gained weight. I was at my lowest low. I don't have many photos of that time because I wasn't myself.
Depression was off the charts and I just didn't care anymore.
Jan 2020 I decided to get serious. I can truly say Glen Rose CrossFit saved me. I started at 163lbs, 30% body fat, and a natural waist was measuring 40 inches. I consistently showed up for myself and every 6 months I did a body scan, I was losing 10lbs each time. Now I know 10lbs in 6 months doesn't sound like much, but after a year and a half I had lost 30lbs and kept it off. Currently I am 21% body fat, and I have lost 11.7 inches off my natural waist.I am not special: I work 40+ hours a week, I have a husband who prefers pizza to chicken, I hate cooking, and I have no desire to go workout after an 8hr workday. The only thing different about me is that I do it. Consistently. Glen Rose CrossFit has given me my life back, and I am forever grateful that Kyle Brady took a chance and opened this gym which has become my second home.
I have struggled with my weight since I was a little kid. One of my most triggering memories of realizing I was the “fat kid,” was my mom always had to buy me women’s pants and cut about a foot off the bottom. If there is a weight loss program out there, I have tried it. Only to loose a little, then gain it and more back pretty quickly.
When I started at Glen Rose CrossFit, losing weight was a hope but I didn’t really think it was a reality. My biggest motivator to start was I was losing strength and the fear of osteoporosis. I had always been strong, but I felt it slipping away from me. My mom and grandmother have suffered with severe osteoporosis and lifting weights is one of the best things you can do to prevent osteoporosis.
So my first day I cried in the parking lot (not just because I put my car in the ditch) but rather that gym anxiety is real. My thoughts were “it is now or never Jennifer!” I built up all my courage, used a little adrenalin from putting my car in the ditch and used it all to walk in the gym. Some of you may not understand this, but for those of you who do, gym anxiety is real but a really awesome one to conquer. The people in there have become my gym family and are some of the most supportive people I have ever met! I love my gym family.
Depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem have been other obstacles I have fought with most of my life. I know those are things that are hard to admit and we don’t want to talk about them, but CrossFit has helped me in controlling those demons. There is just something about sweating, pushing yourself past what you thought you could do, and working hard physically that just helps your brain. I am sure there is research somewhere that explains this.
So I went to CrossFit hoping to lose weight and get stronger and about a year and half later I have gotten so much more. Yes I have lost weight, but to me that has been the least important thing. I have lost around 30 pounds, and I was already hooked on CrossFit when the weight started coming off, it was the other benefits that kept me going. Honestly I loved CrossFit before I knew my body was changing so much, it was when my clothes literally started falling off that it finally sunk in. I also lost over 10 inches off my waist, that is literally life saving! Yes I am stronger, not just in my body but also in my mind! CrossFit isn’t just about losing the weight but most importantly what I gained! I have gained a whole lot of strength, a huge support system, and a lot of self-esteem! Thank you Glen Rose CrossFit, you changed my life.
When I started CrossFit at 10 weeks post-partum after having my second child, one of my main goals like most women after giving birth was to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes, but for me that was not the only reason I chose to commit. I knew from experience just how much living a healthy and active lifestyle improves the quality of life not just physically but also mentally. What I didn’t know was that the GRCF community would soon become just as if not more important.
After joining Glen Rose CrossFit, I quickly learned it was not only about the inches or pounds lost, but it was also more about the gains! I may not be able to tell you exactly how many inches I have lost or how much my body fat% has dropped off the top of my head but I can tell you what I have gained. I have gained a second family full of amazing people who encourage me to do my best not only in the workouts but also outside of the gym. I have gained both physical and mental strength that keeps me going even on the bad days. I may not feel like working out every day, but I continue to keep showing up anyway because my babies, my husband, my family and friends as well as myself deserve the best healthiest version of me and I could not imagine a better place than GRCF to call home.